Derby City & Derbyshire County Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

In accordance with regulations, HWBs, as a minimum, must publish a statement of revised assessment every 3 years.

The 2022-2025 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) has been produced for both Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council Health & Wellbeing Boards. The PNA is a statement of current pharmaceutical services provided in the local area. It assesses whether provision is satisfactory to meet the health, wellbeing and care needs of the local population, informs the planning of services and is used as the basis for determining market entry to a pharmaceutical list. At time of publication the 205 community pharmacies across Derby and Derbyshire represent a rate of 19 per 100,000 population across the area and are considered to provide adequate pharmaceutical services based on need.

View the latest Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment below: