AGM 2020
Due to the pandemic we decided to hold our 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) as a virtual event to keep everyone safe and observe social distancing.
Our Chairman, Andrea Smith welcomed all to this years AGM and thanked everybody for taking the time to attend, albeit virtually. A copy of Andreas Chair’s report can be found below.
Garry Myers, LPC Member and our Regional PSNC representative updated the AGM on two key points; firstly that the PSNC were going to develop and fund a proposal for the next steps following the Wright Review including establishing a working group to identify areas where i) consensus could easily be reached ii) where with a bit more work consensus could be reached and iii) areas where consensus would be very difficult to reach. There will then need to be discussions between PSNC and LPC’s about how any agreed changes can be funded.
The second key area Garry informed the meeting about was the announcement Keith Ridge made at the PSNC Conference that by 2024 all Pharmacy graduates will be fully qualified independent prescribers (IP’) and that in line with this ambition and the introduction of the new foundation year for existing Pharmacy graduates & Pharmacy students all existing Community Pharmacists will also have the opportunity to be independent prescribers (IP’s) through a process called credentialling. Garry felt whilst this was exciting and offered lots of opportunities although it was not without its challenges in terms of the existing CPCF.
Our Chief Officer Jackie Buxton presented the current priorities of the LPC, a copy of her Annual Report can be found below.
Emma Anderson CPPE provided an overview of the on line training that has been developed to support Contractors during the Autumn months, a copy of which can be found below.
Our Treasurer Stuart Kelly was unable to attend the meeting and so Audit Committee member Darryl Dethick gave the Treasurers report (copy below). Darryl highlighted the fact that there had been a major focus over the past year in managing budgets prudently and provide levy holidays whenever possible, the audited accounts (copies below) were accepted unanimously by all at the AGM.
Following a short Q&A session Andrea thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.
LPC Annual Report 2019-2020 final
Treasurer’s Report April 2019 – March 2020