Annual Reports April 2013 – March 2014
Annual Reports – April 2013 to March 2014
Our LPC once again held its AGM at Morley Hayes Hotel, where a packed audience saw LPC Chairman John Sargeant introduce two national speakers: Mark Voce, Head of Inspection at the GPhC and Michael Holden, Chief Executive of the NPA, who each focused on aspects of the GPhC’s new approach to inspections and how the various standards are applied and interpreted. The AGM followed, featuring reports from Chairman John Sargeant and Treasurer Stuart Kelly, who presented his report and the audited accounts. Contractors present voted unanimously to accept the accounts, which had earlier been approved by the full committee. Chief Officer Graham Archer then led a consultation discussion on proposed changes to the LPC Constitution which, subject to contractor approval and any late changes to the final draft, would come into effect in April 2015.
Mark Voce’s presentation can be found here
Michael Holden’s presentation can be found here
The Chairman’s Report can be found here
The Treasurer’s report can be found here
A copy of the audited accounts can be found here
LPC members’ attendance record can be found here
A copy of the final consultation draft of the proposed revised LPC Constitution can be found here
A voting form for contractors to vote on whether or not to approve the LPC accounts can be found here