NHS Service Finder
NHS Service Finder is a free online search tool which provides access to information from the Directory of Services (DoS) and nhs.uk.
It is not open to the public but it does allow pharmacy team members and other healthcare professionals to search for service information quickly, allowing a patient to be signposted to the most appropriate service for their needs. The system includes maps and directions to the services, plus the ability to email service information directly to your patient.
This tool also enables pharmacy teams to look-up non-public telephone numbers (where available) for listed services, such as general practices.
Top tip about signing up: Visit the NHS Service Finder webpage now, to sign up for access and ‘create an account’, ideally using an NHSmail email address.
A new service finder on the NHS website lets patients and healthcare professionals search for a pharmacy that provides blood pressure checks as part of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service. The tool also provides information on who is eligible for the service.
The service finder can be searched using a postcode, with the nearest pharmacy listed first.
Pharmacy owners are reminded to ensure that they have included the service in their NHS Profile Manager where they provide the service.