Derby & Derbyshire Integrated Care Board
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The Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board – which will be known as NHS Derby and Derbyshire – became an NHS statutory organisation on 1 July 2022 and has direct responsibility for:
- the local NHS budget – planning and commissioning of services working closely with partners across the system
- the delivery of high quality and safe local health and care services
- producing a five-year delivery plan.
The ICB also takes on additional functions previously held by CCGs and some additional commissioning responsibilities – such as primary care, dentistry, optometry, pharmaceutical – previously held by NHS England.
The ICB brings together all NHS organisations in Derby and Derbyshire as an NHS executive to manage NHS delivery and facilitates the work of the Integrated Care System, including supporting the coordination and implementation of our Integrated Care Strategy.
The ICB is managed by a Board and membership includes senior officers from local NHS organisations and local authorities, as well as executive and non-executive members of the ICB itself. The ICB is led by our Chair, Richard Wright, and our Chief Executive, Dr Chris Clayton. Its role is to join up health and care services, improve people’s health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities.
Joined Up Care Derbyshire is a partnership of organisations and is based on a shared vision to improve the health and well-being of our local people. The benefit of an ICS is that it brings existing organisations closer together, working in an integrated way to improve care for our local people.
The members meet formally as the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). Members of the ICP are:
Organisations that commission and provide public health, social care and other public services:
Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Partners
- Derbyshire Voluntary Sector Alliance
- Healthwatch Derby
- Healthwatch Derbyshire
NHS and other healthcare organisations:
- NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board
- Chesterfield Royal Hospital
- Derbyshire Community Health Services
- Derbyshire GP Alliance & GP Task Force
- Derbyshire Healthcare
- DHU Healthcare
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton
- East Midlands Ambulance Service
Our Places
Our Places » Joined Up Care Derbyshire
‘Place’ involves commissioners, community services providers, local authorities, primary care, the voluntary and community sector, and the public working together to meet the needs of local people.
There are eight ‘Place Alliances’ across Derbyshire: