Contractor Event
30th January 2017 buffet 6.30pm 7.15pm start finish 9.30pm
Derbyshire Hotel, Carter Lane, South Normanton
Exactly what is happening to Community Pharmacy? What is the latest news? Are you fully informed?
LPCs in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are hosting events to answer all your questions – and both events are open to contractors and pharmacy teams in both Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
Derbyshire LPC are hosting a contractor event to provide an update on contractual changes, Quality Payments and Healthy Living Pharmacies.
Date: Monday 30th January 2017
Time: 7.15pm start- Refreshments available from 6.30pm
Venue: The Derbyshire Hotel, Carter Lane East, South Normanton, DE55 2EH (M1, Junction 28)
Speakers: Alastair Buxton, Director of NHS Services, PSNC, on Quality Payments, PHaS and NUMSAS
Sam Travis, NHS England North Midlands on Healthy Living Pharmacies and the training which is going to be made available.
Garry Myers, PSNC East Midlands and South Yorkshire Regional Representative, on contractor support
Book your place for the Derbyshire Event here
Nottinghamshire LPC are also hosting a contractor evening on pharmacy funding cuts and what happens next ; Derbyshire Contractors are also able to attend as it will cover a different aspect of the funding cuts; details of their event below:
Date: Monday 6th February 2017
Time: 7.15pm start – Refreshments available from 6.30pm
Venue: Novotel Hotel, Bostock Lane, Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire, NG10 4EP (near M1 Junction 25)
Speakers: Mike Dent, Director of Pharmacy Funding, PSNC on Financial impact and timescale of funding cuts
Sam Travis, NHS England North Midlands on Healthy Living Pharmacies and the training which is going to be made available.
Garry Myers, PSNC East Midlands and South Yorkshire Regional Representative, on contractor support
To book your place on the Nottinghamshire event follow the link here
Both these events will provide an opportunity to hear the most up to date information to support you in making the changes required to comply with the contract changes and maximise your payments. There will be plenty of time during the events for questions and an opportunity to submit your questions in advance (details on the booking screen).
As an introduction to these events we would advise all contractors to watch the recorded webinars that PSNC held over November 2016. These are a useful resource and Alastair Buxton and Mike Dent will go into more detail on the evenings and answering your questions.
Funding changes 2016/17 and 2017/18
Quality Payments
Urgent Medicine Supply Service
The link to the webinar is here
The detailed agenda for each event is set out on the booking screen. We hope to see you there!