GDPR evening workshop
8th May 2018 18:30 - 21:00
The Derbyshire Hotel
Derbyshire LPC
GDPR Support Evening
Tuesday 8th May
7.00pm – 9.00pm
(Hot Buffet available from 6.30pm)
Are you ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
to come into effect on 25th May?
To support contractors, we are holding a session to work through the GDPR toolkit provided by PSNC. We all need to plan and prepare how we are going to comply with the GDPR and this is an opportunity to complete as much as possible of the document during the evening.
Please bring with you a downloaded (or hard) copy of the Workbook for Community Pharmacy (Part 3). It can be found on the PSNC website or is attached here Workbook-for-Community-Pharmacy-Part-3-Version-1 (1)
To book your place on this important workshop please follow the link below