AGM Reminder

Quick reminder for all Contractors that our  2107 AGM is being held at Morley Hayes Hotel on Tuesday 19th September.

This promises to be a fascinating event with a double bill of guest speakers;

“Healthy Living Pharmacies – What Does Good Look Like?”

Guest speakers Diana Moss and Jennifer Archer are Directors of Health Educators Network Ltd and national trainers for the RSPH. They have successfully provided training for 178 Health Champions and 125 Leaders in pharmacies across Derbyshire.

What progress have YOU made?

“Funding and Contract Update”

Guest speaker Garry Myers is  vice-chairman of PSNC’s Funding and Contract subcommittee and one of the three independent members of the Negotiating Team. PSNC’s Regional Representative for our area, Garry is also an independent contractor in Derbyshire and a member of Derbyshire LPC.

Are YOU ‘On Top’ of all current issues?

Ask all your questions and get answers ‘straight from the experts’ at this unique Derby/Derbyshire Event

to book your place at this important  event follow the link below – this is the only way you can book onto the event