Community Pharmacy Derbyshire Pharmacy First Information Evenings slide pack
Community Pharmacy Derbyshire, in collaboration with Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire, held two information evenings to support contractors and their teams in the implementation of the new Pharmacy First Service going live on the 31st January 2024. Attendance at both events was excellent with fantastic engagement and feedback from all.
Further events will be planned for later Spring/early Summer to further support delivery of the service and share examples of where it is working really well.
Attached is the slide pack presented at both evening events for you information and to share wider with your teams.
LPC f2f Pharmacy 1st events jan2024 summary slides for website
If you still require support or have any burning questions, there are weekly contractor drop in sessions being held over Teams every Monday 2-3. If you wish to attend one of these and have not received the link, please contact
For those pharmacy teams that attended, we want to thank you for giving up your evenings and making the events a success.
We want to wish all our pharmacies luck in getting started and if you have any issues then we are here to support.
Thanks again to our fantastic pharmacy teams!!