Opportunity for BP Check Service training (Train the Trainer )

The national team have been working with the British and Irish Hypertension Society and have arranged a pilot training session about the BP Checks Service.  It is at the Novotel, Leicester on 14 May from 10:00-15:00.  The training includes practical sessions to enable attendees to try out various clinic and ambulatory machines and has a ‘Train the Trainer’ approach to it.  The agenda is attached. The information about the training and the link to register is:

Practical Hypertension Training for Pharmacy Teams

The British and Irish Hypertension Society will be delivering a face-to-face hypertension training to Pharmacy teams. This pilot ‘Train the Trainer’ style event will take place at Novotel, Leicester from 10am to 3pm on Tuesday, 14th May. Attendance is open to community pharmacy staff who work in the Midlands. It is expected that attendees will replicate the training to their teams/colleagues. Practical blood pressure measurement techniques using clinic, home and ambulatory monitors, interpretation and actions following BP measurement with scenarios will be provided.   The link to register is here


The BP Check service can now be provided by ‘suitable trained and competent pharmacy staff’ (Advanced Service Specification 3.3 Advanced service specification: NHS community pharmacy hypertension case-finding advanced service (NHS community pharmacy blood pressure check service) (england.nhs.uk)   This training is therefore available to all pharmacy staff.

Outline agenda for training day