111/Primary Care dispositions
The NHSE national team are undertaking some research and stakeholder engagement in relation to 111/Primary Care dispositions. They are planning to speak to policy and commissioning colleagues in due course.
They are also currently preparing to send out a survey to Primary Care staff, clinicians, and admin staff from a range of Primary Care services. The purpose of the survey is to help understand:
1. The challenges that Primary Care Services are facing when dealing with patients sent to them by NHS 111, compared with overall demand.
2. The availability of 111 direct-booked appointment slots in Primary Care Services.
3. How services use the 111 report that is sent following a 111 triage.
4. How 111 outcomes are dealt with by Primary Care Services.
5. Views on the language and terminology used by NHS Pathways
If you are interested in taking part, please forward your contact details to abi.cox1@nhs.net.