CPAF update

Please see important email from NHSE regarding CPAF

Dear Colleagues

We are contacting you to give you the heads up that The 2023/24 Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) screening questionnaire will launch on Monday 3 July 2023 and to ask for support to encourage pharmacies to complete the questionnaire.

NHS England has not made any changes to this year’s CPAF questions so they are the same as the ones used assess compliance in 2022/23. A copy of the 2023/24 questionnaire will be made available on the NHSBSA website to view in advance of the go-live date on our Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework page.

However, the questionnaire must be completed via a separate online form through the NHSBSA MYS portal between Monday 3 July 2023 and midnight on Sunday 30 July 2023. It is now a regulatory requirement to complete the CPAF Screening Questionnaire which is carried out on an annual basis. Pharmacies can visit the NHSBSA website for the latest information: contractors/dispensing-contractors-information/community-pharmacy-assurance- framework-cpaf.

Users of the NHSBSA’s Manage Your Service (MYS) portal will be able to complete this year’s CPAF by logging in. Contractors who are not yet signed up to MYS will be able to complete the questionnaire online. Full details will be sent to contractors’ shared pharmacy inboxes with a link to the online form.

Many thanks for your help with this if you have any further questions or would like to discuss this further then please do not hesitate to contact us

Kind Regards



Primary Care Commissioning East Midlands – Pharmacy

NHS England and NHS Improvement – East Midlands